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About the Show

Gorey Agricultural Show

Welcome to Gorey Agricultural Show and our new look website.  Gorey Agricultural Show has come a long way in 157 years, this is our 158th show and we are one of the oldest in the country!  Its all go again at Gorey Agricultural Show and our volunteer committee are hard at work to ensure that the 17th June is an enjoyable and entertaining day out for everybody.

This year we will be running the Junior All Ireland Cook Off, last year’s Senior competition was very successful.  The only criteria for entry is that the competitor must be in secondary school. 

2016 was a great year for Gorey Agricultural Show, we had a huge turnout, and the fine weather ensured a great day out.  Wright Insurance Brokers, our main sponsor are on board again and will be anchoring the Indoor Trade Stand Tent.  They will be entertaining the small folk all day with a puppet show and other activities.  Call in and meet them!

Last year Slaney Foods International teamed up with the Irish Hereford Breeders, and we had Hereford cattle coming from as far away as Kerry.  We were delighted to see such a massive turnout. 

So far, we have had a lot of interest both from exhibitors and spectators, and our schedule is available for download.  Entry forms can be downloaded too.  However, it is far easier and much more economical to enter online, as well as being better for the environment!

Our Vintage section is always very interesting, with all sorts of machinery and implements on display.  Bringing all this machinery to the Show is a huge job, as a lot of these machines don’t travel too fast! 

Our indoor craft and children’s tent was an enormous success last year, we have some new competitions for 2017, and these can all be found in the schedule shortly.

The pets corner is running a new category this year called 'most unusual pet' - this may mean different things to different folk, but we would encourage you to consider bringing your pets to the show, and putting them on display in the pet’s corner.

Seamus long will be on stage again, so get out your dancing shoes and practice your party acts.................this area will have tables and seating, so kids can run about and the adults can rest and relax.  The Food Village will be adjacent to the stage, so you can sample all sorts of delicious nibbles.

The committee of Gorey Agricultural Show 2015 would like to thank most sincerely Michael Lacy and Tom Stafford for providing the marvelous site.

We would like to thank all our sponsors for their support in making Gorey Agricultural Show the success that it is. And very importantly our volunteers, without whom Gorey Agricultural Show would not happen, these volunteers give of their time freely, many spend the entire week in the field preparing it!
The volunteers lend us their time, machinery and skills without fail, and for this we are very grateful.

Gorey Agricultural Show - Gorey Agricultural Show - Show management system
Clonattin, Gorey, Wexford, Ireland
   E-mail: info@goreyagriculturalshow.com
Copyright © 2024 Gorey Agricultural Show